"Service is something that is our unique gift- something that no one can take away from us."Just For Today, page 127
JAC and ASC will be held Wednesday, January 15, 2025, at 6pm (JAC) and 7pm (ASC). It will be meeting fully IN PERSON at Christ the Cornerstone-
6 N Clifton Avenue, Wilmington, DE
There will be NO hybrid. These meetings re-occur on the 3rd Wednesday each month!
Being of service in NA is one of the most important ways we help fulfill our primary purpose: to carry the message to the addict who still suffers. It's also a good opportunity to meet other NA members, strengthen our recovery, and keep our Home Groups "fully self-supporting" by assuring that the doors to our meetings stay open.
Each NA member possesses unique gifts and strengths, which they can use to contribute the NA fellowship through service work. Explore this page this learn about the different ways in which you can be of service.
Home Group
When you first get to NA, you'll hear one of our suggestions over and over again: get a Home Group. This is a particular group you choose to attend regularly. At your home group, you will get to know other addicts, and allow them to get to know you. It's also a place to start giving back what was so freely given to you - through service commitments such as making coffee, setting up chairs, or becoming a trusted servant. The Group pamphlet provides a description of how Groups function and the various opportunities for service.
Home Group Service Positions
Secretary - Maintains Home Group calendar with chairperson selection, maintains Home Group member list, creates and updates meeting format, runs business meetings, purchases supplies.
Treasurer - Collects and manages 7th Tradition funds, pays meeting space rent, reimburses supplies purchased by Secretary, purchases literature for Home Group, makes donations to the Area.
Group Service Representative (GSR) - Represents the group's conscience by carrying its vote at Area Service; keeps the Home Groups updated on Area and Regional level activities.
Alternate GSR - Serves alongside the GSR, assisting with responsibilities and attending meetings the GSR is unable to.
Area Subcommittees
Small Wonder Area subcommittees are made up of trusted NA members and are designed to help our area fulfill our primary purpose: to carry the message to the addict who still suffers. Joining a subcommittee is a wonderful way to be of service. To learn more about the subcommittees in our area, scroll down read the descriptions below. Find a subcommittee that appeals to you, and then get involved!
You can join a subcommittee simply by attending area subcommittee meetings regularly. Subcommittee meeting times and locations are listed below, and meetings are open to any and all NA members.
Subcommittee Descriptions & Locations
Convention - Plans, organizes, coordinates, and hosts the Area's bi-annual convention featuring NA speakers, workshops, merchandise, dances, breakfast/lunch/dinner events, and more. This body has its own subcommittees, each of which is responsible for a different area of the convention planning process.
Meets 2nd Saturday of the month at 10 am - 12 pm at
St Mary's Church 600 E 6th Street, Wilmington, 19801
Hospitals & Institutions - Brings NA members into facilities where addicts may have no other way of hearing our message, such as hospitals, mental health facilities, prisons, and therapeutic communities.
Meets the 1st Monday of the month at 6:00pm at
Mt. Salem Church 2629 W. 19th St., Wilmington, 19806​
Literature - Maintains an inventory of NA books, pamphlets, key-tags, medallions, etc.; processes orders submitted by Home Groups at the monthly ASC meeting; orders inventory from the Free State Region or World Service Office; maintains accountability for all literature funds.​
Please contact Literature Chair for further information.
Meeting List/Web Site - Maintains, updates, and prints a monthly list that includes all of the Area's meeting times and locations, along with information such as meeting format and length; maintains and update's the Area's website with a variety of information for NA members and newcomers, such as the meeting list, special events, links to literature and more.
To become involved in the Meeting List/Website subcommittee,
contact Meeting List/Website Chair at
Outreach - Helps keep Home Groups actively involved in the NA service structure; visits any groups requesting help and support; helps new meetings get established.​
To become involved in the Outreach subcommittee,
contact Outreach Chair at
Phone Line - Answers hotline calls from addicts who need information or support, such as where to find a meeting or just someone to talk to until a craving passes.
To become involved in the Phone Line subcommittee,
contact Phone Line Chair at
Policy - Creates, updates, and maintains a document of guidelines, rules of order, Trusted Servant and Subcommittee responsibilities, etc., designed to help the Area run efficiently and effectively.​
Meets the First Sunday of the month at 7 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. on Zoom.
Mtg ID: 84939869838
PW: Recovery
Public Relations - provides information and conducts presentations that help others understand what NA is about; visits facilities, schools, hospitals, and other institutions to provide literature and meeting lists to anyone seeking recovery in NA.​
To become involved in the Public Relations subcommittee,
contact Public Relations Chair at
Unity & Activities - organizes and hosts special events such as speaker jams, dances, and picnics, designed to enhance our primary purpose and build unity throughout our Area.
To become involved in the Unity & Activities subcommittee,
contact Unity & Activities Chair at
Area Service Committee
Once a month, Home Group representatives, known as Group Service Representatives (GSRs), attend a monthly meeting called Area Service. Area service is where GSRs and trusted servants assist with running the SWANA service structure. In this area of service, elected officers work on ways to best support the Home Groups within our area. You'll find a description of each of the officer positions below, as well as the date, time, and location of Area Service. Come to our Area Service meeting so that you can become more involved in NA and learn more about how the service structure works!
Joint Administrative Committee (JAC) meets 3rd Wednesday of every month at 6:00pm in person at Christ the Cornerstone Church in Elsmere.
Area Service Committee (ASC) meets on the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 7:00pm in person at Christ the Cornerstone Church in Elsmere.
Christ the Cornerstone- Elsmere is located at 6 N. Clifton Avenue, Wilmington, Delaware 19805.
Area Service Officer Positions
Chairperson - conducts ASC meetings, assuring that policy and rules of order are followed and that there is an overall spirit of cooperation throughout the meeting.
Co-Chairperson - supports the Area Service chair as well as the various subcommittee chairs to assist with any issues, help resolve problems, and stay informed of their activities.
Secretary, Co-Secretary - take notes during ASC meetings, then creates and distributes meeting minutes to home group GSRs via email and regular mail; updates and maintains a list of contact information for home groups and Trusted Servants.
Treasurer, Co-Treasurer - receives contributions from the groups, administers the area’s checking account, pays the rent for subcommittee’s meeting spaces, reimburses officers and subcommittee chairs for their budgeted expenses, keeps careful records of all transactions, and reports the Area's financial status at each ASC meeting.
Regional Committee Member (RCM), Alternate RCM - Keeps the Area informed of activities & issues at the Regional &World levels; represents the Area's conscience by carrying its vote at Regional Service
Regional Service
Just as multiple Home Groups form an Area, several Areas form a Region. At this level of service, business is conducted that affects a broad base of NA members, groups and areas. The same Trusted Servant positions at the area level are available at the regional level as well. ​The Small Wonder Area is part of the Free State Region of NA.
To learn more about The Free State Region of NA, check out their website:
Around The World
NA Regional Delegates participate in international conferences and activities all aimed at spreading the message of Narcotics Anonymous to addicts around the world. As a result, NA is now available in languages and countries never imagined!
To visit the NA World Services website, click the link below: